About Tori
Long ago, in a magical land known as the classroom, Tori Filas began her journey as a third-grade teacher. After twenty years of molding young minds and sharpening countless pencils, she decided to go on a new adventure and become a Kids’ Financial Educator, teaching the art of coin counting and budgeting to the future tycoons of tomorrow.
Tori’s mission is to help families have important conversations about money so that children can grow up to be financially savvy and make good decisions regarding their finances. She firmly believes that a strong financial foundation is crucial for a successful future, and she’s dedicated to spreading the word to anyone who will listen.
When she’s not counting dollars and cents, Tori enjoys attending concerts and trying out new restaurants with her friends. So, if you’re looking for someone who can make learning about money fun, look no further. Just don’t ask her to lend you any cash – she’s saving up for front-row tickets to her next show!